Corporate Sustainability

Since its establishment, Blue Lagoon has focused on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, approaching the issue in accordance with changes in the company and in society. Corporate sustainability is an approach aiming to create long-term stakeholder value through the implementation of a business strategy that focuses on the ethical, social, environmental, cultural, and economic dimensions of doing business. Blue Lagoon was honored as Iceland's Environmental Company of the Year for 2021, confirming the value of our endeavors and inspiring us to continue our innovative approach to sustainability and respect of natural resources.

Sustainable wellbeing

By creating shared value for us and our stakeholders, we want to support our community and lead a business that provides a net positive value, to give out more than we take.

We continue our journey of creating safe, quality-driven tourism and developing products rooted in the enlightened principles of environmental awareness and the sanctity of the country's natural resources.

Sustainability in Blue Lagoon

Strategic Approach

In our work, we focus on creating an environment where everyone can enjoy themselves, and the safety of our colleagues and visitors is a key priority. Nature is not an inexhaustible resource, and we support sustainability in most areas of our operations, aspiring to a cooperative, harmonic relationship with society. We aim to be a role model within the tourism industry and provide guidance to others regarding corporate social responsibility.

In 2019 we established a multidisciplinary CSR team within the company, with the purpose of helping our entire organization understand and embrace Sustainability. The team developed a CSR strategy, to improve our social and environmental performances with multiple projects and continuous improvement.

Here you can access the Blue Lagoon's CSR report. The report is prepared in accordance with international GRI standards.

Annual & CSR Report

To know more about our activities, you can read our annual & CSR reports.

Corporate sustainability report 2021

Watch our 2021 Sustainability Performances.

Norðurljósavegur 9 240 Grindavík Show on map Offices: Urriðaholtsstræti 2 210 Garðabær Show on map

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